• Emergency Case

    If you need a doctor urgently outside of medicenter opening hours, call emergency appointment number for emergency service.
  • Doctors Timetable

    Here at medicenter we have individual doctor's lists. Click read more below to see services and current timetable for our doctors.
  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Thursday
      8.00 - 17.00
    • Friday
      9.00 - 18.00
    • Saturday
      9.30 - 17.30
    • Sunday
      9.30 - 15.00

    Selection of qualified radiologists

    Aviseena’s radiologists are recruited and selected based on their education, experience, and sub-specialty fields. Their C.V. and 2 references are checked, as well as their registration, certification, and criminal background. Finally, our Medical Leads select the best candidates for the various Aviseena’s teams.

    Onboarding & Induction

    Before starting work, new doctors will take part in an onboarding program in which Aviseena’s work methods, reporting protocols, and various IT platforms are explained. Also, the monitoring system for medical and non-medical performance is explained to the new candidate. One month after starting work, a follow-up meeting is planned during which the radiologist can give feedback about first work experiences and ask any questions about the new work methods and quality performance system.

    Induction Quality Review

    After joining the team, the reporting quality of the new radiologist is monitored through a second read of randomly selected cases during the first six months. This is in addition to our standard medical audits and performance reviews as outlined below.

    Medical audits and performance reviews

    Based on our Quality Assurance Program the reporting quality is monitored continuously by internal audits. If there is a discrepancy an addendum is made, and, if clinically relevant, the hospital is informed immediately. Subsequently, learning points are fed back to the individual radiologist. Periodically, our Medical Leads and Medical Quality Group reflect on overall outcomes and define changes, improvements, or preventive measures. Results are communicated back to the referring hospitals/imaging centers each quarter. Any discrepancies reported by referring clinicians are analysed and are similarly used to improve the quality of our performance.


    If there is a pattern in discrepancies or a medical occurrence (like an error) that has a learning element in it for other doctors, it will be taken up by the Medical Leads and fed back to the radiologists through periodic Learning Sessions. If more urgent, an email is sent out to all doctors to inform them about what happened and what they can learn from it.

    Radiologist relations

    We strive to create trusted and enjoyable working relations, as we believe radiologists who feel treated well and appreciated deliver better quality. Staying in touch through regular one-on-one meetings during the year creates moments for radiologists to indicate satisfaction with their work in general, the IT systems, the scheduling, and the operational & technical support. Suggestions, ideas, and other feedback received during these meetings are invaluable for us to continuously improve on making Aviseena the best partner to work with.