• Emergency Case

    If you need a doctor urgently outside of medicenter opening hours, call emergency appointment number for emergency service.
  • Doctors Timetable

    Here at medicenter we have individual doctor's lists. Click read more below to see services and current timetable for our doctors.
  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Thursday
      8.00 - 17.00
    • Friday
      9.00 - 18.00
    • Saturday
      9.30 - 17.30
    • Sunday
      9.30 - 15.00

    Use Our State of art Teleradiology Services

    Aviseena Teleradiology team is a group of well-known top radiologists that can help you get a comprehensive full report or second opinion for your diagnostic imaging study.

    The disease outcome depends on the correct and on-time diagnosis.
    – Get a comprehensive report for your scans
    – Get emergency reporting: Under 2 hours
    – Get an expert’s telesecond opinion -Get your scan report from a subspecialist radiologist
    – Three-dimensional imaging, Computer-aided detection, and Artificial intelligence integration for your MRI, and CT scan for precise demonstration and detection


    Peer Recommended

    World Class & Experienced

    National and  International


    3D, AI & CAD Integration

    Imaging /Reporting Audit

    7/24/365 & Teleradiology

    Onsite Ambassadors


    Subspecialist Reporting

    Emergency Reporting /Under 2h

    Second Opinion
